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小推车 英文
小推车 英文

小推车 英文

小推车的英文为small carts. 例句与用法: Specification for gas cylinder trolleys. 气瓶小推车规范。 Specification for medicine trolleys. 医用小推车规范。 Calf dressing trolley. 牛犊屠宰加工小推车。 Steel bracket tray , storing cage , material box , climb frame , small handcart steel buttress piling etc. 钢制托盘、仓储笼、物料箱、登高车、小推车、钢制堆垛架等。 It is full of strollers , not only regular strollers but the kind that carry. two children double wides. 处处可见婴儿小推车,不仅是普通的小推车,还有那种可放两个婴儿的小推车。 Wang ping and her brother ' s greatest wish is to communicate their enthusiasm for a good night spent with friends in a place like home. 土块做的饰品架散发着迷人灯光,从农村淘来的小推车和风箱被做成吧桌。 specification for safety harnesses including detachable walking reins for restraining children when in perambulators baby carriages , pushchairs and high chairs and when walking. 婴儿在婴儿车折叠式小推车高脚椅或步行时使用的保护安全带。



小推车英文:wheelbarrow 音标:[ˈwiːlbærəʊ] 小推车英文造句: 1、Wheel A Barrow (Along The Street)(在街上)推手推车. 2、Trundling A Wheelbarrow Down The Path推着手推车沿路走去. 3、He Came, Pushing A Barrow Along.他推着手推车来了。 4、He Was Ordered To Handle A Truck.他被派去推手推车。 5、A Light Cart Pushed By Hand.手推车用手推的轻便的四轮车